- by Aaron King
Are You Actually in Love? Love is weird. It’s this thing we chase, obsess over, and write terrible poetry about. But what if I told you that most of what we think is love... isn’t? Even the whole, "do what...
- by Aaron King
The Lost Art of Trying There’s a lot of hate online. I saw a video of someone trying something new, and the comment section was brutal. People laughing, mocking, tearing them down. Then I saw a comment that really stuck...
- by Aaron King
"It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years that matter." - Abe Lincoln It's now been more than a decade since I first spent my birthday on the Mexican coast. I first did it when...
- by Aaron King
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Why Do We Do This? Have you ever been tired but just don’t want to go to bed? You know you should, but instead, you stay up—scrolling, binge-watching, or just sitting there. The next morning, you regret...
- by Aaron King
How "I AM" statements can fix your focus
The Exercise That Set the Tone for My Year: "10 Statements" I want to see your life progress, so I'm going to share an exercise with you that helps me each year - it applies to anyone. It's called “10...
- by Aaron King
I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. They’re all or nothing. If you miss the mark, it feels like a failure—and let’s be honest, most resolutions fail. Studies show that about 80% of people abandon their resolutions by...
- by Aaron King
Goal setting and direction can be difficult—especially if you don't feel like you are in an environment that aligns with your vision, skill set, and passions. I grew up in a big city that was all about money. No mountains,...
- by Aaron King
Shoot for the moon! There are plenty of blogs and videos giving tips on getting your life together, but I find them to be generic. Yes, there are some absolutes like, "learn from your mistakes" and "only worry about what...
- by Aaron King
Last week I delved into the topic about "stop talking and start doing". It got me thinking about how someone gets into that mindset, or even why we sometimes can feel stuck. Feeling like you're in a constant cycle or...
- by Aaron King
"Productive" is a word that haunts those around me. It's idolized and overused. I say it, often unaware that I've completely lost track of its meaning. Is it productive to just sit with my laptop open, looking like I'm...
- by Aaron King
"Do What You Love And You Never Work" Is A Lie
"Do what you love and never work a day in your life." That statement is bull shit. If anything, it highlights how miserable people are in their jobs. Besides, love is too often associated with feelings derived from short-term pleasure....
- by Aaron King
Have you ever thought about punching a baby in the face? Wow, you're a horrible person! I'm kidding - stick with me. Maybe it's not baby-related, but have you had a thought cross your mind that stopped you in your...
- by Aaron King
How To Work Remote And Travel In A Car
https://youtu.be/DbglHmbh374 In the last several weeks, I've traveled all over for both client and personal work all while sleeping in my car. I also took a one-week break from the newsletter to rest and to plan for the rest of...
- by Aaron King
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines folly as the "lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight." Dictionary.com defines folly as a "lack of understanding or sense." There is an entire book in the bible (proverbs) dissecting what a fool is, and...
- by Aaron King
Take Your 5 Year Plan. Do It In 6 Months.
Imagine you are on your deathbed. What would you regret? Let's pull that back a little bit. What's your 5 year plan? Is this the same 5 year plan you had 2 years ago? And will it be the same...
- by Aaron King
This Is The Youngest Day You Have Left
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again." This is one of my favorite sayings because it shows a lot about perspective. Age can be subjective and most adults 30...
- by Aaron King
Time is the most valuable asset, and it also is in the shortest supply. Jim Rohn, one of the pioneers of personal development once said: “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and...
- by Aaron King
When you think of those who made an impact, who do you think of? Maybe it's someone like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., or William Shakespeare? Think about a musician selling out massive stadiums around the world. Now, think...
- by Aaron King
Comparison Is The Thief of All Joy
Doctors don't start learning by performing surgery. It can take 12 years or 4,380 days to become a doctor after high school. They started with basic math and science like us. When I'm asked by aspiring creative entrepreneurs how to...
- by Aaron King
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Focus on the step right in front of you. Don't overwhelm yourself, start with what you have right now. Don't focus on what you don't...
- by Aaron King
Everyone has heard the famous line from Ralph Waldo Emerson “It’s not the Destination, It’s the journey.” And as cliche as it might be these days, there is some truthfulness in "trusting the process". The journey is...
- by Aaron King
Summer Burnout - Don't Do It. Summer is here, and with it comes warmer weather, and longer days. With more time in the day, it can lead to higher productivity levels, which I find leads to burnout. What is Burnout?...
- by Aaron King
I'm sitting on a river wondering, "what else do I need?" It's borderline nihilistic when normally I'm working around the clock. This is also why nature is a good reminder to slow down. We all need reasons for action, but...
- by Aaron King
It's summer, and you're outside playing basketball with your friends in the col de sac, drinking from the hose, your neighborhood friends are your community. Life was simple. 'Your friends are your future' was advice engrained in us as kids....
- by Aaron King
Do you ever find yourself asking if this is what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life? If so, you’re not alone. According to Yale Medicine, as many as 70 percent of young adults are experiencing...
- by Aaron King
A few weeks ago, I discussed the different types of losses/ grief. I wanted to go deeper into this topic after receiving quite a few responses here and in my DM's. One topic stood out to me - disenfranchised grief,...
- by Aaron King
Last week the United States Surgeon General released a new Advisory calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection that our country is currently facing. Everyone experiences loneliness in their life, but why is...
- by Aaron King
What's the point? You may ask yourself this question with even the smallest of tasks, but sometimes it goes deeper. Is it about gaining wisdom, serving God's kingdom, building wealth, creating good karma, or has no meaning at all? What...
- by Aaron King
I'm not a professional life coach or counselor, but I wanted to better understand what type of experiences we may encounter - So I did some research. Loss is a fundamental part of the human experience, and we all deal...
- by Aaron King
"Good Vibes Only" or "Just Stay Positive". There's nothing worse than hearing these when you're having a really bad day, because realistically how are the "vibes" helping you? There is such a thing of too much positivity or Toxic Positivity....
- by Aaron King
You want one simple thing success: but you have to check a lot of boxes for them all to align to equal that success. Let's look at 4 "ingredients" to a repice for success. Hard work Good timing Network Luck...
- by Aaron King
Adversity is a universal part of life. It's easy to forget that when packages show up on your doorstep with the click of a button. Adversity is a state of serious or continuous difficulty. The higher you climb, the more...
- by Aaron King
The world is increasingly baffling and it turns us into toddlers. Today, we are going to look at introverts. Information comes fast, at scale, and makes no sense a lot of the time. Basic biology and English words are getting...
- by Aaron King
We live in a world of instant gratification, and it has led to anxiety and unhappiness. Here's how to combat that. Play the long game. Long Game = Vision + Delayed Gratification First, what is the short game? The short...
- by Aaron King
Some days I look at my to do list at the end of the day and feel very underaccomplished. The one thing I really wanted to get done was to edit my YouTube video, but I didn't scratch the surface....
- by Aaron King
There's an old maritime saying "The captain goes down with the ship" meaning the sea captain holds ultimate responsibility for both their ship and anyone embarking on the journey with them. I work in storytelling and whenever I tell a...