Some days I look at my to do list at the end of the day and feel very underaccomplished. The one thing I really wanted to get done was to edit my YouTube video, but I didn't scratch the surface.


Then I think about the things I did do:


  • I got 8 hours of sleep
  • Maintained my daily water intake
  • Didn't consume any alcohol
  • No processed foods
  • Worked out


All things on my baseline for a healthy lifestyle. Achieving my baseline, gradually makes everything else easier.


I started writing in a journal 3-5 things I was grateful for every day, even if they were small like getting 8 hours of sleep or laughing with my friends.


This is a science-backed way to improve your overall mood.


Dr. Robert A. Emmons and Dr. Michael E. McCullough did a study on gratitude and found that after 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives vs those who wrote negatively or even neutrally.


They also exercised more and had fewer visits to physicians.


Don't get me wrong, there is definitely such a thing as too much positivity or "toxic positivity" but rewiring your brain to appreciate and find purpose from the little things, even if it's your baseline can be a game changer.


Why is that?


Well, in Leanord Mlodaov's book, Subliminal, he shares an example of an experiment where patrons at a library would ask people if they could cut in front of others to make a Xerox copy.


If they asked to cut, the rejection rate was 40%.


If they provided a reason why they should cut, the rejection rate dropped to only 6%.


I think we can use this on ourselves.


I should drink more water.


(I fail 40% of the time?)


I should drink more water - because it will help me get more done this week.


(I succeed 94% of the time?)


Giving purpose behind all of your actions, subconsciously makes you feel accomplished and grateful for the ability to take even small steps toward your goal.


Overall, the best practice for physiological needs is celebrating little wins which creates a subconscious strategy for the long run.

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