- by Aaron King
"It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years that matter." - Abe Lincoln It's now been more than a decade since I first spent my birthday on the Mexican coast. I first did it when...
- by Aaron King
Last week I delved into the topic about "stop talking and start doing". It got me thinking about how someone gets into that mindset, or even why we sometimes can feel stuck. Feeling like you're in a constant cycle or...
- by Aaron King
"Productive" is a word that haunts those around me. It's idolized and overused. I say it, often unaware that I've completely lost track of its meaning. Is it productive to just sit with my laptop open, looking like I'm...
- by Aaron King
"Do What You Love And You Never Work" Is A Lie
"Do what you love and never work a day in your life." That statement is bull shit. If anything, it highlights how miserable people are in their jobs. Besides, love is too often associated with feelings derived from short-term pleasure....
- by Aaron King
Content creation and filmmaking are senses of art. It can be therapeutic to get out of your head and be able to manifest them into something real. Think about painters and composers, they understand this notion on a core level....
- by Aaron King
How To Work Remote And Travel In A Car
https://youtu.be/DbglHmbh374 In the last several weeks, I've traveled all over for both client and personal work all while sleeping in my car. I also took a one-week break from the newsletter to rest and to plan for the rest of...
- by Aaron King
Announcing Grumpy Bear Coffee!
Too many of us are often waiting for the perfect moment. The perfect moment to travel, the perfect camping scenario, the perfect photography gear. You can overthink things as long you want, but there will never be a "perfect moment"....
- by Aaron King
Time is the most valuable asset, and it also is in the shortest supply. Jim Rohn, one of the pioneers of personal development once said: “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and...
- by Aaron King
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Focus on the step right in front of you. Don't overwhelm yourself, start with what you have right now. Don't focus on what you don't...
- by Aaron King
I'm sitting on a river wondering, "what else do I need?" It's borderline nihilistic when normally I'm working around the clock. This is also why nature is a good reminder to slow down. We all need reasons for action, but...
- by Aaron King
The first thing you need to understand is that it's not just the camera, it's the lens. Don't spend your whole budget on a camera body if you don't have quality glass. You'll also want to budget for accessories, which...
- by Aaron King
We've all been told how important sleep is, yet we feel like we can out-tough all of that, right? "Burnin the midnight oil" "Not everyone is as tough as me" Very FALSE. Science has officially given me nightmares on this...