Take Your 5 Year Plan. Do It In 6 Months.

Imagine you are on your deathbed.  What would you regret? Let's pull that back a little bit. What's your 5 year plan? Is this the same 5 year plan you had 2 years ago? And will it be the same 5 year plan without any movement next year? Do these...

This Is The Youngest Day You Have Left

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again." This is one of my favorite sayings because it shows a lot about perspective. Age can be subjective and most adults 30 and above feel younger than they are. The...

Sense of Urgency

Time is the most valuable asset, and it also is in the shortest supply. Jim Rohn, one of the pioneers of personal development once said: “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend it rather than invest it.” Urgency is...

A Greater Impact

When you think of those who made an impact, who do you think of? Maybe it's someone like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Jr., or William Shakespeare? Think about a musician selling out massive stadiums around the world. Now, think about the guy with his guitar on the...

Comparison Is The Thief of All Joy

Doctors don't start learning by performing surgery. It can take 12 years or 4,380 days to become a doctor after high school. They started with basic math and science like us. When I'm asked by aspiring creative entrepreneurs how to start, here's the story I tell. I first started writing...

How To Get Started

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Focus on the step right in front of you. Don't overwhelm yourself, start with what you have right now. Don't focus on what you don't have. The Kiazen Method, which stems from Taoism, encourages people to set such small goals...

Enjoy The Journey

Everyone has heard the famous line from Ralph Waldo Emerson “It’s not the Destination, It’s the journey.” And as cliche as it might be these days, there is some truthfulness in "trusting the process".  The journey is where we spend most of our time. The destination is a...

How To Avoid Summer Burnout

Summer Burnout - Don't Do It. Summer is here, and with it comes warmer weather, and longer days. With more time in the day, it can lead to higher productivity levels, which I find leads to burnout. What is Burnout? According to Mayo Clinic, burnout is a state of...

Life Has No Direction

I'm sitting on a river wondering, "what else do I need?" It's borderline nihilistic when normally I'm working around the clock.  This is also why nature is a good reminder to slow down. We all need reasons for action, but what if the lack of meaning was the...

Cameras for Travel Filmmakers

The first thing you need to understand is that it's not just the camera, it's the lens. Don't spend your whole budget on a camera body if you don't have quality glass. You'll also want to budget for accessories, which I'll share a few. For my entry-level...