How do you eat an elephant?


One bite at a time.


Focus on the step right in front of you.


Don't overwhelm yourself, start with what you have right now.


Don't focus on what you don't have.


The Kiazen Method, which stems from Taoism, encourages people to set such small goals it's virtually impossible.


This gives a daily sense of achievement, which in turn becomes a full chain of achievements.


Don't compare someone else's 10 years of work to your day 1 status.


What camera should I buy?


  • Start with the one you have. (I started with my phone)




  • Focus on techniques.
  • Focus on editing
  • An expensive camera won't fix those things.


How do I start camping?


  • Go this weekend. Somewhere nearby.


Then take the time and learn from it.



Figure out the little things before you spend a bunch of money on "tools" to fix them.


We're held back by overwhelming ourselves and need a reminder from time to time - myself included.

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