

Are you actually in love?

Are you actually in love?

Are You Actually in Love? Love is weird. It’s this thing we chase, obsess over, and write terrible poetry about. But what if I told you that most of what we think is love... isn’t? Even the whole, "do what...

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The lost art of trying

The lost art of trying

The Lost Art of Trying There’s a lot of hate online. I saw a video of someone trying something new, and the comment section was brutal.  People laughing, mocking, tearing them down. Then I saw a comment that really stuck...

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Running out of time

Running out of time

"It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years that matter." - Abe Lincoln It's now been more than a decade since I first spent my birthday on the Mexican coast. I first did it when...

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Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination: Why Do We Do This? Have you ever been tired but just don’t want to go to bed?  You know you should, but instead, you stay up—scrolling, binge-watching, or just sitting there.  The next morning, you regret...

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TikTok Shutting Down

TikTok is expected to shut down in the U.S. tomorrow. We don't know if it will be enforced even though the law remains in place, but TikTok has stated it will go dark. We also are hearing there may be...

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How "I AM" statements can fix your focus

How "I AM" statements can fix your focus

The Exercise That Set the Tone for My Year: "10 Statements" I want to see your life progress, so I'm going to share an exercise with you that helps me each year - it applies to anyone. It's called “10...

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Discipline vs Goals

Discipline vs Goals

I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. They’re all or nothing. If you miss the mark, it feels like a failure—and let’s be honest, most resolutions fail.  Studies show that about 80% of people abandon their resolutions by...

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5 Steps to a better life

5 Steps to a better life

Goal setting and direction can be difficult—especially if you don't feel like you are in an environment that aligns with your vision, skill set, and passions. I grew up in a big city that was all about money. No mountains,...

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How to set goals

How to set goals

Shoot for the moon! There are plenty of blogs and videos giving tips on getting your life together, but I find them to be generic. Yes, there are some absolutes like, "learn from your mistakes" and "only worry about what...

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Why you're stuck in life

Why you're stuck in life

Last week I delved into the topic about "stop talking and start doing". It got me thinking about how someone gets into that mindset, or even why we sometimes can feel stuck. Feeling like you're in a constant cycle or...

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Stop Talking, Start Doing

Stop Talking, Start Doing

"Productive" is a word that haunts those around me. It's idolized and overused. I say it, often unaware that I've completely lost track of its meaning.   Is it productive to just sit with my laptop open, looking like I'm...

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"Do What You Love And You Never Work" Is A Lie

"Do What You Love And You Never Work" Is A Lie

"Do what you love and never work a day in your life." That statement is bull shit. If anything, it highlights how miserable people are in their jobs. Besides, love is too often associated with feelings derived from short-term pleasure....

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