5 Steps to a better life

Goal setting and direction can be difficult—especially if you don't feel like you are in an environment that aligns with your vision, skill set, and passions. I grew up in a big city that was all about money. No mountains, no beauty. This led to being...

How to set goals

Shoot for the moon!  There are plenty of blogs and videos giving tips on getting your life together, but I find them to be generic. Yes, there are some absolutes like, "learn from your mistakes" and "only worry about what you can control." Those are very true, but...

Why you’re stuck in life

Last week I delved into the topic about "stop talking and start doing". It got me thinking about how someone gets into that mindset, or even why we sometimes can feel stuck.  Feeling like you're in a constant cycle or on autopilot. According to Psych Central, there are...

Stop Talking, Start Doing

"Productive" is a word that haunts those around me. It's idolized and overused. I say it, often unaware that I've completely lost track of its meaning. Is it productive to just sit with my laptop open, looking like I'm working, but instead, I'm slowly burning myself...

“Do What You Love And You Never Work” Is A Lie

"Do what you love and never work a day in your life." That statement is bull shit. If anything, it highlights how miserable people are in their jobs. Besides, love is too often associated with feelings derived from short-term pleasure. Work is hard. Work is important. Work is your purpose. That doesn't...

Are You A Bad Person?

Have you ever thought about punching a baby in the face? Wow, you're a horrible person!  I'm kidding - stick with me. Maybe it's not baby-related, but have you had a thought cross your mind that stopped you in your tracks and made you think, "Wow, I'm a...

Grumpy Bear Film Festival

Content creation and filmmaking are senses of art. It can be therapeutic to get out of your head and be able to manifest them into something real. Think about painters and composers, they understand this notion on a core level. Taking an idea and turning it into...

How To Work Remote And Travel In A Car

https://youtu.be/DbglHmbh374 In the last several weeks, I've traveled all over for both client and personal work all while sleeping in my car. I also took a one-week break from the newsletter to rest and to plan for the rest of the year. Here's what the travel looked like. 🚐...

Don’t Be A Fool

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines folly as the "lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight." Dictionary.com defines folly as a "lack of understanding or sense." There is an entire book in the bible (proverbs) dissecting what a fool is, and how to do deal with them. “As a...

Announcing Grumpy Bear Coffee!

Too many of us are often waiting for the perfect moment. The perfect moment to travel, the perfect camping scenario, the perfect photography gear. You can overthink things as long you want, but there will never be a "perfect moment". Paralysis by analysis will keep you stuck with no...